Voice For Life Youth is a movement of young pro-lifers from all over Aotearoa New Zealand who are passionate about defending the rights of the unborn and their vulnerable mothers.
We gather together regularly in different parts of NZ, and online, to learn, share and support each other in the mahi of speaking up for the most defenseless members of our society.
We also get together once a year for a special Voice For Life Youth weekend of fun, friendship and formation in pro-life issues.
So, if you're a high-school aged young person who wants to be better equipped to speak with truth and clarity about the biggest social justice issue of our generation then we'd love to have you join the Voice For Life Youth movement!
Watch the FREE Voice For Life Youth Video Training Sessions
Video content below is password protected. Ask your youth leader for a password to access these videos. Are you new to Voice For Life Youth and keen to come on board – either as a young person, or as a regional group leader? Register your interest below and we’ll get in touch with you!
Policies and Safety
Voice For Life Youth is committed to the welfare and safety of children and young people who participate in our regional groups. Parents and caregivers are welcome to view our Policy and Procedures, and Child and Youth Protection Policy.